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Auto Insurance

Let us shop some of Canada’s largest insurance companies on your behalf to make sure you get affordable coverage and as many discounts as possible. Find out how much you can save on auto insurance when you switch.

(Not available in BC, SK, MB)

Saving made simple

Here are a few simple tips to help you save on your Auto Insurance:

Why Simplinsur for your Auto Insurance?

Click on the heading below to learn about the valuable benefits available to you.
(Depending on the insurer you select)

Save up to 25%by enrolling in a safe drivers’ program

Receive an immediate 10% discount and up to 25% after completion of the program. Your discount is then updated every six months based on how safely you drive.

More savings to stretch the dollar

Winter tires, after market security system, good student discount (occasional drivers in school with average 80%+)

Accident forgiveness

Have your first accident forgiven, if you qualify, without affecting your insurance rate even if you were at fault.

24/7 Service

Fast emergency claims response from your insurer directly.

Roadside assistance

You never have to worry about being stranded if applicable to you.

Rental car

Get access to a rental car to keep you on the road while your car is being repaired or replaced following a claim, if you qualify.

Insurance coverage

On car rentals anywhere in Canada or the US if you qualify.

Our trusted partners

Simplinsur Home & Auto is a brokerage with access to top insurers.

Taking care of your other wheels on the road!

Multi-policy discount - Save money and enjoy big convenience.

Bundling both Home and Auto insurance from the same provider will save you 20% and having both policies under one roof is a small way to simplify your life.

Are you ready to get insured?

Contact your Mortgage Broker for a quote today.
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